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FirePoint has an extensive product history

FirePoint software began development in 1988.  In 1989 it was released as the first fire service software product to use a graphical user interface.

As time passed FirePoint evolved from a single-user application to include a client server option for network operation.  FirePoint's user interface continued to evolve.

In 1992 FirePoint released it's Command Window interface.  This interface provides consistent and fast access to FirePoint modules.  The interface continues to be used today.

In 1999 FirePoint was transferred from Advanced Command System, Inc. to End2End, Inc.  For the past decade FirePoint has been offered as part of a line of municipal software products including police and parking products.

For more information about End2End, Inc. visit our web site.


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FirePoint 8 provides bigger layouts and supports newer Windows operating systems including XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2003 & 2008.


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